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Shri Yashwant Shikshan Prasarak Mandal Kodoli’s

Yashwant Ayurvedic College Post Graduate Training & Research Centre, Kodoli

Kodoli Tal : Panhala, Dist : Kolhapur – 416114


Department of Rognidan

This is an important subject which is included in Second Year B.A.M.S. which deals with patients clinical examinations, pathological investigations. As we all know that in Medical faculty without diagnosis, the treatment become absolutely of no meaning. This subject is not only related to diagnosis but also diagnostic aids like various pathological investigations & prompt Ayurvedic & Modern clinical examinations. The dept. fulfills the norms regarding teaching & non teaching staff according to C.C.I.M. New Delhi, M.U.H.S. Nashik as well as Charts, Instruments, Histopathological slides & specimens & infrastructure as well as very expert expirienced,knowledgable staff.
Since last thirteen years Post Graduate Course (M.D.) in Rognidan & Vikrutivigyan is started. We are developing new Ayurvedic diagnostic methods, new Researcher, clinician & Laboratory experts etc. staffs for serving the society. Also we are keen on using ayurvedic diagnostic methods in diagnosis in day to day routine OPDs. Uptill 2018 total 32 P.G. Students succefully passed M.D. and serving the society in various cadres and 13 students are appearing for final M. D. Examination in 2019.
The department has a Central Pathology Laboratory attached to the Hospital where advance techniques of investigations are done on automated Biochem Analyzer & Haemotological Cell Counter as well as traditional Ayurvedic diagnostic methods instruments.

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